Tuesday 23 June 2015

Diddy arrested following fight with UCLA football coach

LOS ANGELES –  Rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs was released from a Los Angeles jail late Monday, hours after he was arrested following a fight with a football coach at UCLA, where his son, Justin Combs, plays as a defensive back.

Jail records showed that Combs was released after posting bail. The records showed that Combs' bail was $160,000, but sheriff's officials reached by phone said he posted $50,000. The reason for the discrepancy wasn't clear.

A rep from UCLA confirmed to Fox News that Combs, 45, was arrested on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, which was a kettlebell. Later Monday, Los Angeles police updated the charges to three counts of assault with a deadly weapon, one count of making terrorist threats and one count of battery.

No one was seriously injured and campus police said they were investigating the incident.

According to TMZ, which first reported the arrest, UCLA strength and conditioning coach Sal Alosi was screaming at Justin as Combs watched from the sidelines. Combs allegedly confronted the coach in his office and was then arrested for assault.

Nathalie Moar, a spokeswoman for Combs Enterprises, said "I'm not commenting until all of the facts are sorted out."

UCLA Football coach Jim Mora later issued a statement saying, "I'm thankful that our staff showed the level of professionalism that they did in handling this situation. This is an unfortunate incident for all parties involved. While UCPD continues to review this matter, we will let the legal process run its course and refrain from further comment at this time."

Alosi gained a measure of infamy in football circles while a strength and conditioning coach for the New York Jets. During a December 2010 game against the Miami Dolphins, Alosi was caught tripping Nolan Carroll as the player ran down the field covering a punt. Alosi was suspended and fined as a result of the incident and resigned the following month. He has been the strength and conditioning coach at UCLA since 2012.

Justin Combs is a redshirt junior defensive back on the UCLA football team, which has been working out on campus. He has played in just a handful of games in his three years with the team.

The son of another major rap star also plays football for the Bruins. Snoop Dogg's son Cordell Broadus is a wide receiver who signed with the team this year.

The arrest is the latest in a series of allegations against Combs. He was acquitted of bribery and weapons-related charges in connection with a 1999 shooting at a New York nightclub. A jury cleared Combs of firing a weapon during the dispute that wounded three bystanders, as well as bribing his chauffeur to take the rap.

Combs was arrested in 1999 for his involvement in the beating of former Interscope executive Steve Stoute in New York. Combs apologized, the charges were reduced, and he was ordered to attend an anger management class.

Source: Fox news.

ECOWAS plans to put end to Almajiri system

The Economic Community of West African States has concluded plans to put in place laws and strategies to address the phenomenon of street children popularly known as Almajiris, in West Africa.

To this end, the ECOWAS Commission’s Early Warning Directorate said it is organising  a workshop in Dakar, Senegal, from June 22-24, 2015, to launch the Regional Support Programme for the organisation’s Member States to put an end to Street Children Syndrome.

A statement from the Commission on Monday in Abuja, said at the end of the workshop,  a framework on the societal ill as well as a control measure based on the appropriate implementation of laws and strategies would be established.

It stated that the programme launch, which is the first in a series of activities envisaged in the biannual plan of action (2015-2017) to eliminate the street children syndrome in the ECOWAS region, would be chaired by the Senegalese Prime Minister, Mohamed Dionne.

Quoting the United Nations Children Education Fund, ECOWAS stated that Dakar alone accounts for over 50,000 street urchins, and over 100,000 in other towns in the country, who are placed under the tutelage of Islamic teachers called “marabouts” to learn the Koran.

The regional body adduced several reasons for the Almajiri phenomenon, which, it said, were mainly the result of domestic, economic or social crises, particularly poverty, breakdown of homes or families, political upheavals, sexual abuse, physical or emotional violence, domestic violence, mental health problems, and drug abuse.

It observed that cultural and religious reasons also play a role in the prevalence of street children, especially in Northern Nigeria, where the Almajiris are forced to abandon their homes in the quest for seeking the teachings of the Koran under the tutelage of a “mallam.”

“The ECOWAS Commission’s Early Warning Directorate will organise a workshop in Dakar, from June 22-24, 2015, to launch the Regional Support Programme for the organisation’s Member States to put an end to Street Children Syndrome.

“During their apprenticeship, the children are sent out to the streets to fend for themselves by begging for alms.  Often times, they are also compelled to hand over some or the entire collection to the ‘mallam,’ and are punished severely if they fail to do so,”

Source: Punch newspaper

Honduran Woman with cocaine in breast implants arrested in Colombia

Colombia police said on Monday that a Honduran woman, carrying 1.5 kg of liquid cocaine in her breast implants, was arrested at the Colombian airport in Bogota.

Airport police, Col. Diego Rosero-Paola, said 22 year-old Deyanira Sabillon was attempting to travel to Spain, when her apparent nervousness aroused suspicion in the security line.

He said X-rays revealed a recent surgery on Sabillon’s breasts.

Rosero-Paola said during interrogation that she confessed that an unknown substance had been implanted in her breast which she was meant to take to Barcelona.

The officer said a preliminary investigation showed that the surgery took place at a clandestine clinic, in the city of Pereira, in western Colombia.

Rosero-Paola said the implants were removed at a Bogota hospital where Sabillon was also being treated for an infection.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Shocking Story With even Shocking Judgements: Young Lady Bathed with Acid

Today I read a shocking story in the newspapers about how a 24year old lady was seriously and permanently maimed by her lover whom she decided to call it quits with bath her with acid.

Her story.......

“When we met, he was living with his uncle at Nnewi
Street, off Aka Avenue, Effurun.

“As the relationship grew, we rented a self-contained
apartment at satellite Ugolo community, Okpe
Council area, where we shared privacy occasionally,
while I still lived with my parents.
‘My fears’

“Though, I cherished his uncommon generosity
towards me and my siblings, I started getting worried
about the source of his income, which to me did not
connect with the generator repairs job he told me he
does for a living.

“My suspicions were confirmed the day we went to Obiaruku for the marriage of his friend. There is a particular bag he does not allow me or anyone else touch at all.

“This fateful day, as he was having an after wedding drinking spree with friends in the hotel we lodged, I
opened the secret bag in our room.

“I was shocked by two items I found. An identity card as a Federal Government Amnesty beneficiary and a
document list of guns and other dangerous weapons submitted by his group during the arms mop up.

“From that moment, my interest in the affair died and I wanted out immediately. I knew I was living
with an unrepentant criminal because he is easily irritated and always bragging about how tough he is and how he can deal with anyone and
go away with it.


“That night at Obiaruku, I confronted him on his criminal identity and why he kept it from me. He said he was worried I would leave him and he does not want to lose me.

“That moment, I made it clear I was no longer interested and would not marry a criminal disguising as repentant. I meant every word of it.

“But I knew it was dangerous to make a sudden quit, so I started limiting my contact with him and thinking of how best to stop the affair permanently.

“Then, I further learned that the man I was planning to marry is a father of three, married to a woman elsewhere.

“I confronted him. He admitted and again said he kept that from me for fear of losing me. He said he could not do without me, so he wants me as second Wife. I said over my dead body.

… and the threats began

“As I gradually limited my contact with him, he introduced a catch phrase whenever the issue of breaking the relationship came up.

“He would say, ‘You can’t leave me. If you try it, I will so damage you that no man would want to look at
you, so I will still be the only one to marry you.’

“I could tell from his anger and tone, whenever he says it, that this was no empty threat, but I needed to
get out of the affair.

“I trained as a hair stylist and work for a salon owner, while also doing home service for some clients on Sundays.

“One Sunday, I was home fixing a customer’s hair when my phone rang. It was Austin’s call so I ignored

“Usually, he is very jealous and gets upset if he does not know my whereabouts and cannot get me on the
phone for a second and he can beat me for that.

Pulling a knife; the acid bath

“At night at Ugolo that day, he pulled a knife from the kitchen, threatening to kill me, saying he saw a man taking me out the period I failed to pick his call.

“I was afraid he could harm me so I refused confrontation with him before he dropped the knife. Next morning, he came to my work place apologizing for his action after complaining to my madam.

“The evening of the Monday (February 25, 2013)preceding the Sunday he threatened me with a knife at Ugolo, I refused his calls again after closing from work and went to my parents’ home.

“He then called my younger sister, asking if my parents were home. That was about midnight.

“It was very hot that night. At some minutes to 1am, February 26, I had just my towel tied on me when I
slept close to the window.

“Suddenly, I heard and felt a shower of liquid from outside through the window. The person aimed and poured it all over my body as I lay faced up.

“Immediately, I started shouting, ‘Igwe (Austin) had poured acid on me’ repeatedly and ran out as the liquid was burning my body. I saw him running away.”

Sadly this lady spent about 2years in the ICU for the grievious injuries sustained that night.

It is, however, shocking that some individuals were of the opinion that she deserved what she got, while some attributed it to greed others stated the kinds of treatment they got from different girls.

One even said:

that is d girl's version..pls we need d guy's version because girls lie alot and always try to mop up
sentiments and emotions against guys. maybe d girl left d guy because she found another money bag after ruining this alleged ex-militant down. don't
believe everything a girl says.

I find it apalling that rather than condemn this act of barbarism and violence against this young lady some men are trying to make the action look permisible.

This is how much some peolple have lost it that their sense of judgment has been clouded by hate and vengeance.

If only they could put themselves in this young lady's shoes I am sure they would have thought otherwise.

Please let's us stand for the right things. The sanctity of human life cannot be overemphasised.

Story sourced from Vanguard newspaper

Thursday 8 January 2015

Boko Haram leader threatens Cameroon in YouTube video

Kano (Nigeria) (AFP) - Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau has threatened Cameroon in a video message on YouTube, warning that the same fate would befall the country as neighbouring Nigeria.

The video, which was posted on January 5, is directly addressed to Cameroon's President Paul Biya after repeated fighting between militants and troops in the country's far north.

"Oh Paul Biya, if you don't stop this, your evil plot, you will taste what has befallen Nigeria... Your troops cannot do anything to us," Shekau said in Arabic.

It is first time Shekau has directly addressed Cameroon and is also the first admission that Boko Haram has been actively operating in the country.

Boko Haram fighters had in the past launched attacks on northeastern Nigeria from bases in Cameroon but recent months have seen an increase in strikes within the country.

Boko Haram, which began its violent insurgency in 2009, has taken over swathes of territory in three northeastern Nigerian states, and declared some towns as part of its Islamic caliphate.

Cameroon's far north has come increasingly into the group's firing line and on December 28, Yaounde deployed fighter jets against Boko Haram for the first time.

Biya personally ordered the air strike after the insurgents crossed the border and seized a military camp, the government said on December 29.

The aerial bombardment, hailed as a new phase in the counter-insurgency, forced the Islamists to flee, it added.
Cameroon's president has made a series of strong statements against Boko Haram and in October last year vowed to go after the group "until it's totally wiped out".

In May last year, he said that a Paris meeting of Nigeria's neighbours was designed to "declare war on Boko Haram".

But a key agreement at the summit to set up a regional force has yet to be implemented, with Cameroon increasingly vocal in its criticisms about the lack of a coordinated response to Boko Haram.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Love Story Of The Century

WASHINGTON (AP) — A 95-year-old newlywed Virginia man has died just weeks after his 96-year-old wife was taken away by family members to Florida.

Eddie Harrison died Tuesday in a hospital after suffering from influenza, said Rebecca Wright, who was caring for the couple in their Alexandria, Virginia, home. Harrison became distressed after his wife and longtime companion, 96-year-old Edith Hill, was taken away, Wright said. Wright is Hill's daughter.

"He lived for her, and she lived for him. It's the love story of the century," Wright said, recalling how they would dance, take walks and care for each other.

Harrison and Hill's marriage this year after 10 years of companionship was disputed in court. Their wedding was problematic because Hill has been declared legally incapacitated for several years. Another of Hill's daughters, Patricia Barber, contested the marriage, saying it would complicate the eventual distribution of Hill's estate. But Hill and Harrison said they wanted to stay together.

A judge appointed a new guardian for Hill to protect her interests, removing Barber and Wright as guardians, but left the marriage intact.

The interracial aspect of the marriage also was unique because the two longtime Virginians would not have been allowed to marry if they had met in their 20s, 30s or 40s under state law at the time.

On Dec. 6, Hill's guardian arrived to take Hill away to Barber's home in Florida for what was supposed to be a two-week vacation. Police were called to the home during a traumatic 40-minute negotiation to convince Hill to leave, Wright said.

When Hill did not return home as planned after two weeks, Harrison began to realize she was not coming back, Wright said. Daisy Birch, a family friend, said Harrison was heartbroken. He also became ill with the flu and checked himself into a hospital.

A dispute continues between the two sisters, Barber and Wright, over Hill's affairs and place of residence.

Source: Yahoo news

Saturday 27 December 2014

Oprah Not Dying Of Cancer

The news going round that Oprah Winfrey has been diagnosed of cancer and has a few weeks to live is a hoax.

Google search showed that the news originated from NAHA (Negros Against Hair Line Abuse, some bloggers and social commentators.

It seems that the fake news is a ploy to increase the number of visitors to the website. This is furthermore thought to be so as the likes of CNN, Times, and big media outfits seem not to be aware of such development since Oprah is such a big fish for such outfits.