Friday 3 October 2014


And here comes the new Vintage Cask-Aged Robitussin.

Touting the new offering’s full-bodied flavor and bold, fruit-forward bouquet, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer unveiled a vintage cask-aged variety of its popular cold medicine Robitussin on Friday.

Labeled as Robitussin Reserve, the high-end over-the-counter cough remedy is reportedly being marketed toward a more affluent segment of consumers with acute upper respiratory symptoms. Company officials confirmed the select Cough & Cold blend has been prepared in a limited run of 100 barrels and retails for $39.95 a bottle.

Pfizer officials say the new up-market blend has a sophisticated flavor profile of cherry, codeine, pseudoephedrine, and hints of citrus.

No wonder their name. DON'T BE SLOTHFUL.

If only our men can be as courageous as this woman.


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